SHOT and Shaffy | A wonderful showcase for the cultural life of the University of Twente

Student Harmonie Orkest Twente
Student Harmonie Orkest Twente © Clare Varney

Last night’s concert in the Muziekcentrum, Enschede was just that – a wonderful insight into the cultural life of our local university with a performance by the Student Harmonie Orkest Twente (SHOT) with their conductor Ronny Buurink. How many universities can boast a programme which includes soloists, Jeroen Schippers (solo trumpet in the Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy) and Jordi Lensink, from two top military bands, playing a work written by a former student and now top composer for wind bands, Alex Poelman?  And in the second half, provide a dazzling medley of music by the Dutch French singer-song writer, Ramses Shaffy with two nationally acclaimed soloists: trombonist, Jos Jansen and Micheline van Hautem. To top it all, trombonist, Martin Schippers from the Royal Concertgebouw, one of the finest orchestras in the world, was also in the audience – just popping home to see his family! Quite a concert!

SHOT performed with confidence and great ease in front of a packed and enthusiastic audience, who readily sang along with great gusto when instructed. Special mention should go to the two comperes, Arnout Franken and Merel Simmelink, and their fabulous drummer, Madee Schreurs. Also the bass section who were phenomenal. The bass lines were not only interesting, but lyrical, and helped drive the music ever forward – a real asset to any band. The earth moved beneath my feet as it should with all good bass sections.

All on stage
All on stage for a final bow : Jeroen Schippers and Jordi Lensink, Alex Poelman, Ronny Buurink, Jos Jansen and Micheline van Hautem © Clare Varney
The programme

I look forward to seeing SHOT in concert again, and urge you all to do the same.

Reviewed at the Wilminktheater en Muziekcentrum, Enschede on Thursday 29th June, 2023

Click here to read more about great brass music performances in Enschede : Hardenberger, Wallroth and the Amsterdam Sinfonietta ooze class

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