A Striking If Perplexing Midsummer Night’s Dream!

Bottom, performed by Marc Pantus, revelled in his fabulous lower register | © Kurt van der Elst
Bottom, performed by Marc Pantus, revelled in his fabulous lower register | © Kurt van der Elst

As a Suffolk girl, growing up just six miles from Benjamin Britten’s place of birth, the music from this most English of composers runs deep through my veins. 

Whilst preparing for my visit to this latest production by Opera Zuid here in Zwolle in the eastern most region of the Netherlands, the question which haunted my thoughts was always: how successful would this production be in creating this most quintessential of English tapestries and sound worlds in a country with a shared sea, but a very different language?

Raymond Vievermanns, principal trumpet with Philharmonie Zuidnederland
Raymond Vievermanns, principal trumpet with Philharmonie Zuidnederland, whose nimble, agile and most evocative sound was the perfect accompaniment 

We were presented with a feast for the eyes, with creative and edgy lighting, a clever and expressive use of colour, and a stunning visual display quite unlike anything I have seen before and may ever see again.

This was certainly a Midsummer Night to remember!

Click here to read the full review on Bachtrack

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